Dermal regeneration template: a new option for the repair of a large surgical defect after Mohs surgery in epidermolysis bullosa.

Abel González, Nelson Turra Pedersen, Dardo Etchichury


Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare hereditary disorder characterized by skin fragility, recurrent mucocutaneous blisters following minimal trauma, and compromised wound healing. Moreover, some variants have been associated with squamous cell carcinoma. Following, we present the clinical case of a patient with epidermolysis bullosa, who presented a large squamous cell carcinoma of the arm. It was resected using Mohs micrographic surgery, and the final defect was repaired by applying a dermal regeneration template over the wound for a month. After this period, we continued using cures and antibiotic ointment over the wound twice a day, and healing was completed with excellent cosmetic and functional results.  We emphasize, that it is the first medical report where this therapeutic tool is used to support the reconstruction of a surgical defect in a patient with epidermolysis bullosa.

Palabras clave

Dermal regeneration template, Squamous cell carcinoma, Epidermolysis bullosa, Mohs surgery

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