Harlequin syndrome: a report case

Jaime Pérez, Constanza Sanhueza-Aguilera, Viviana García


The Harlequin syndrome is a rare neurological condition, most of the time benign. In general, most cases are idiopathic (although there are secondary causes). This condition consists in the appearance of unilateral facial erythema and hyperhidrosis triggered by exercise, heat, emotions or stress, which occurs due to a contralateral dysfunction of the sympathetic vasodilator and sudomotor pathway. We present the case of a 49-year-old male patient, with no relevant morbid history, who reports a medical history of 15 years of evolution, characterized by the appearance of erythema and excessive sweating of the right side of his face, which ends abruptly in the middle line of the face, triggered by exercise and heat during the summer. While the left side presents anhidrosis without erythema.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31879/rcderm.v37i1.361

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